Young Architect Interview - Teaching & Learning w/Elizabeth Lockwood

In this episode the microphone turned as Michael Riscica with Young Architect interviewed Elizabeth on how her career emerged, what she loves about the profession, offers tips to keep you from burnout and how you can take your practice to the next level.

Episode Highlights

  1. Don’t underestimate the importance of lifelong learning.

  2. Find the area of your field that you’re most passionate about.

  3. Learn how to be very patient.

“I was told early on in my career, “this is a field that you have to be extremely passionate about, or you’re not going to make it.” And I think for everyone that’s a different passion. Some people love connecting with clients. Some love detailing. Some like specification writing. There are so many different elements and avenues to go into.”


“I would say majority of my job now is more about the relationships than it is about the technical aspect of it.” 

Listen to the full episode at Young Architect

As always keep designing y’all!
